Our Mission

Malaysia is a mature market for direct sales. There is more supply than demand. Many of the big direct sales figures have either gone ashore or retired.

The current direct sales senior management does not possess the skills and experiences as compare to those 20 years ago. They are short vision, low efficiency, and no leadership qualities in the team. Distributor leaders have no sense of belonging. There are many local direct sales companies, but most of their model are just average, everyone is just followers only. So it is very rare for people to be successful.

What is more, many companies have no creativity, they only follow the market trend and listen blindly to the market leaders, and their business models have no unique selling points. They only speak about company profiles, products, and comp plans, so they only attract those company hopping leaders.

During covid pandemic period, leaders cannot travel, they are restricted to move around. which makes these companies fall into a bad situation. These companies have no solid plan or foundation for the online market. Their customer-oriented strategy still lacks sound solutions. It is very difficult for these companies to restructure, reorganize and innovate.

My personal opinion: Having a large-scale and all-rounded innovative consumer organization is the only solution not only in Malaysia but the whole world. As long as the foundation is strong, the model is good, and execute it correctly. The direct selling industry can once again boom, excel, and create more believers in the industry and benefit the next generation!